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Data setup


Steps for data setup

  1. Click on "Export Data" button to export the latest Setup Data.
  2. Update the downloaded excel file based on the changes you need to make.
  3. Import the Excel File by clicking on "Import Data" button.

Import data

Most Student information and learning management systems can export teacher, class, and student information in a delimited text format. Importing this information is the fastest and easiest way to get the same information into the system. In order to import information, you must first export it from you student information system. Remark test grading web edition accepts comma delimited excel file.

The following fields can be imported


Required: Id,First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Password, Subject,Mobilephone, Gender(email address act as a username)


Required: Class ID, Class Name, Section ,Grade.


Required: Id, First Name, Last Name, UID, Class, Username, Password, Dob, Gender To Import data.

Special Cases


Names may be formatted in your data file in many ways (one field, separate fields). If names are in one field, choose the same field for a teacher or student name.

Email Address (Usernames)

You must use a unique email address for each teacher (see the Important Information about Email Addresses and Passwords note above)

Class Mapping

If your import file does not contain Class IDs, you can combine two fields from your import file to create unique Class IDs (e.g. Class Name and Section). To use this feature select the first field under Class ID. Then choose another field from the ID Append box. The two fields are combined to create Class IDs. Class names may be duplicated but Class IDs must be unique.

Export Data

When we click on the export data,the excel sheets which we import are returned back to us. Again we change the excel sheets and import then directly.