Question Types
Quizale currently supports the following question types (more coming soon):
Multiple Choice
This type of question have multiple options out of which only option is correct.
Such questions will have radio button as an option.
Multiple Answer
This type of question have multiple options out of which more than one option can be correct.
Such questions have checkboxes in the option.
True / False
This type of question have multiple options out of which more than one option can be correct.
Such questions have checkboxes in the option.
Fill in the Blanks
This type of question have multiple options out of which more than one option can be correct.
Such questions have checkboxes in the option.
Open Ended
This type of question have multiple options out of which more than one option can be correct.
Such questions have checkboxes in the option.
Match Columns
This type of question have multiple options out of which more than one option can be correct.
Such questions have checkboxes in the option.
This type of question have multiple options out of which more than one option can be correct.
Such questions have checkboxes in the option.